Friday, August 29, 2014

DAFA Awards Two 2014 Scholarships

Josie Rodriquez and Abigail Elizabeth Sherrill became this year’s DAFA Scholarship recipients at the guild’s meeting in May. Josie is an undergraduate student at the University of North Texas who will enter the UNT Graduate Fiber Program in the fall.  Abigail, a current graduate student at the University of North Texas, will further her career in the fiber art field through working and teaching.

As part of their presentations to the guild, Josie and Abigail displayed their artwork and received enthusiastic support from audience members. DAFA community services chair Brenda McKinney coordinated the awards and presented the two winners with their $500 checks.

Left: Josie Rodriquez receives her scholarship from DAFA community services chair Brenda McKinney. Right: Brenda presents the other scholarship award to Abigail Sherrill.

On left, scholarship winner Abigail Sherrill chats with DAFA member Traci Hutton. At right, DAFA members crowd around samples of the students’ work after the two winners’ presentations.
-- Brenda McKinney

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